determining factor

英 [dɪˈtɜːmɪnɪŋ ˈfæktə(r)] 美 [dɪˈtɜːrmɪnɪŋ ˈfæktər]



  1. So scale is a factor, but I do not believe that scale is a determining factor.
  2. In this case, age is the determining factor-however in other instances it is not.
  3. This will help make a positive impression on the client and may ultimately be the determining factor behind the client's decision to go with your proposal or someone else's.
  4. Culture is the spirit and soul of a nation, and the determining factor of whether it is truly strong or not. It can profoundly affect the progress of a country's development and change the destiny of a nation.
  5. We'd like to think that IQ isn't the determining factor for success in life.
  6. Most tariffs have already dropped rapidly and are rarely the determining factor in locating production.
  7. High school academic performance is by far the main determining factor, rather than test scores or other credentials.
  8. Only because they aren't big enough for gravity to be a determining factor.
  9. The second point is that in practice your preferred programming language and software environment is likely to be the determining factor in your choice of Cloud development platform.
  10. It is this radiation or energy field which is the determining factor in everything that happens around you, in all the things you attract into your life.
  11. Therefore, the determining factor for the success of the Pearl Homestead Project is the precis market selection and sales strategy.
  12. Among them, the size of blood vessel diameter is the determining factor in the impact resistance.
  13. A contradiction of ideas that serves as the determining factor in their interaction.
  14. The determining factor should be qualifications, rather than gender, when determining both the salary and position of an individual.
  15. Predicted that the industry, DSP integrated circuits in the future will be the fastest-growing electronic products, electronic products and become a determining factor in the replacement.
  16. The Jews have obtained their knowledge from all kinds of sources but disciplined traditional education from young has been the determining factor to their success.
  17. Large quantities of researches certify that personal character is the determining factor that influences psychological stress.
  18. The sustainable development ability is the determining factor that supports the sustainable development of social economy.
  19. The contradiction between two conflicting forces viewed as the determining factor in their continuing interaction.
  20. Pink skin is the determining factor in securing this rich cream color.
  21. The region technology innovation ability is important standard to an weigh the development of region technology, and it is a determining factor of region economy growth and competition.
  22. Style is often the determining factor in what is legal and what is not; if it looks good, then it's not against the rules.
  23. According to the materialistic conception, the determining factor in history is, in the final instance, the production and reproduction of the immediate essentials of life.
  24. They see it as the sum product of my past and the determining factor of my future.
  25. The natural analogies of the planets represent only a very general determining factor and are not able to constitute a particular one.
  26. The brain, not the genitals, could be the determining factor in whether a person is male or female.
  27. It has also been argued that the determining factor of which south-east Asian countries fared worst in the 1997 crisis was not so much foreign capital inflows but levels of corruption and political misuse of the banking system.
  28. Ultimately the determining factor is the mental attitude of the ruling class itself.
  29. A staBilized economy is a determining factor in staBilizing the political situation.
  30. The determining factor for such practice will depend on the relative economics when compared with liquid fermentation processes.



  1. a determining or causal element or factor
    1. education is an important determinant of one's outlook on life

    Synonym:    determinantdeterminerdeterminativecausal factor

  2. an argument that is conclusive

      Synonym:    clincherdeterminer